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One obsessive sleuth. One brutal murder. Two lovers. A host of suspects.Andrew Schlakier’s first international assignment takes him to the urban jungle of Hong Kong, where a beautiful, young swim coach from one of the city’s most prestigious schools is found dead. Brutally murdered with the stem of a Bunsen burner in the latrine of the school gym. What starts out as an open-and-shut case turns on its head when the prime suspect, the victim’s lover and lab assistant at the school, vanishes.With an ever-growing list of suspects and motives, it’s the private investigator’s trickiest case to date. He teams up with former government fixer Peter Michael – now running the Kangaroo Pub in Kowloon – to pool resources in pursuit of a conviction.Schlakier’s investigation takes him to remote, windswept islands, the beer-soaked, cobblestone laneways of Lan Kwai Fong and the infamous Rat Alley (and beyond) as he tracks down the truth. The challenges are many but one thing is certain, he won’t stop until the perpetrator is brought to justice.“Bloodline” is the fourth book in the Smith Street Investigator series. It’s the perfect read for lovers of American crime-fiction icons like Raymond Chandler and Michael Connelly, British legend Ian Rankin, or Australian mystery and thriller writers Jane Harper and Peter Temple (of Jack Irish fame).

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