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Shameless Self-Promotion is the Key to Making More Money and Having More Fun in BusinessSell Yourself and Win in Five Easy Steps – Confidently learn how to share your accomplishments, achievements, successes, and wins to achieve your goals!Get Your Brag On! shares the secrets of how to:Brag without feeling like a braggartGenerate interest in your products/services/books/ideas with the right peopleEstablish immediate credibility when presentingKeep clients from strayingStay motivated when sales seem slowPitch, share, negotiate, and sell your ideasGet Your Brag On! is an absolute game-changer! This masterclass in the art of self-promotion demonstrates how to showcase your achievements with confidence and authenticity. The book offers practical strategies to empower readers to build authority and influence effortlessly and is an indispensable resource for anyone looking to elevate their personal and professional brand. A must-read for anyone wanting to stand out and make their mark!

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