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ATTENTION: Business Leaders, Frontline Managers, and Agents of Change ...The 'Success Secrets of Industry Giants', such as strategic customer relationship management, efficient process optimization, and effective team building, are revealed. Boost your business without losing your Time, Money, or Soul. Identify reasons for not meeting customer demands and losing sales opportunities.Develop a high-performing team of business owners at every level, steadily and continually improve robust processes, and consistently deliver value to the customer.Overcome major obstacles enabling your business to evolve in highly competitive markets and environments.Local and global competitors threaten to deliver higher value to the customer and promise better quality, shorter lead times, and acceptable prices and/or services.Due to the desire to develop new customer relationships, businesses accept opportunities and projects at a loss and squeeze out all the profit. Continual turnover results in loyal employees becoming exhausted by the extra workload of training new employees.Deliver value to the customer at a Profit without sacrificing your Health and Family A road map was tested and refined in over 50 facilities, 17 countries, and 4 industries. It was tailored to each unique business environment, ensuring its adaptability and effectiveness. Results in a small facility of 40 employees included increased sales of $3.4M in six to nine months. Results in a large facility of 2500+ employees included $24M in annual savings and cost avoidance to the bottom line through total cross-functional employee engagement exceeding 70%!Envision the transformative Outcomes when you bridge the Mission Critical Gap and achieve sustainable success with your business and team.Businesses realized millions in sales and savings while pulling in additional customer demand. Customer relationships significantly improved, Sales increased by over 10%, Lead Times were reduced by over 50%, quality improved by over 30%, and Cost Savings and Avoidance of $8-$30M were achieved.Many leaders and agents of change (500+) were developed and challenged to reach their full potential. As a result, many were promoted to new leadership positions and went on to inspire and coach others to do the same.My passion and mission are to enable others to be the conquerors of their destiny regardless of their situation!

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