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Wonderland - Paul Teresi


Paul Teresi
unknown , English
1 rating

If you’re going to be lost in a dream … whatever you do … don’t walk through doors you are not familiar with.In the year 2030, the United States is on edge, poised for the breakout of another Civil War. Imprisoned podcaster, Nico Riley, teaches herself to lucid dream to help escape the chaos of everyday life. Once she becomes lost in her own world inside of a dream, the stress of life changes into an ecstasy of escape …that is until she begins opening unfamiliar doors … doors that lead to what dreamers refer to as, ‘The Wonderland.’Nico soon learns these lucid realms are connected by a collective consciousness from the past reincarnated into the present. While she puts together the puzzle pieces that reveal who she was in her past life, she ventures through dream realms occupied by Nazi’s, CIA agents, witches, and serial killers. All are searching the Wonderland for the Vatican’s greatest kept secret … the secret that holds all secrets … the Chronovisor.