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How to Start a Circus: Rise Abov... - Chef Nino

How to Start a Circus: Rise Above Your Challenges and Bring Your Dreams to Reality

Chef Nino
Best Seller Publishing, LLC; 1st edition (August 28, 2024) , English
7 ratings

Start the business of your dreams, overcome your biggest challenges, and discover how far perseverance and self-belief can take you!Have you had a business idea in mind that you know could fulfill a unique demand… yet been reluctant to take the leap and bring it to life?Have life’s fastest curveballs—including broken relationships, family obligations, or past debt, kept you in “workhorse” mode, living just to pay the bills?Is there a natural- born entrepreneur in you, one who dreams of thriving financially and engaging in unique experiences and adventures?If so, meet Chef Nino—an entrepreneur and chef who always had one dream: to be a pilot.He’s been through the ups and downs of starting a business, living on a shoestring budget, and spearheading a successful career as a chef.And throughout his life, he has seen the adventure of entrepreneurship as similar to launching a circus.His inspiration? P.T. Barnum of the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus, known globally as “America’s Greatest Showman.”Barnum coined the term “show business” and his circus lasted for an impressive 146 years. He once uttered powerful words that inspired Chef Nino throughout his life: “No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else.”Chef Nino took these words to heart and knew that the secret to his success lay in tapping into his unique strengths… in this book, he shares his highest highs and lowest lows. For the first time, he is revealing his personal blueprint for success.In this book, you will find heartfelt stories, powerful strategies, and all the inspiration you need to take the entrepreneurial plunge.Inside, you’ll discover:How Chef Nino’s circus began with an unforgettable letter—one that enabled him to raise funds at lightning speed so he could work as a missionary in Italy3 powerful questions that helped the author create a Master Plan for success… and the vital steps he took to achieve his goalsWhy flexibility was key in helping Nino transition from missionary to Italian teacher and chef… and why diversifying your career prospects is a good ideaThe powerful realization that enabled the author to turn his life around—and how adopting a growth mindset kick-started his successHow a secret recipe started Chef Nino’s circus— the $1 investment that sparked a winning businessWhy intensity and giving your business idea 100% is crucial if you want to make it big—plus the impressive power of surrounding yourself with positive peopleHow Chef Nino achieved his dream of becoming a pilot—37 years after his mind first conjured up the ideaHow to settle debt, prioritize your health, and manage your time efficiently so you can reap the fruits of your success7 powerful statements that will keep you on the path to success and ensure you never doubt yourselfAnd much more.Even if you are in debt, you feel stuck in your profession, or you are going through a rough patch in your personal life, that train to success has not passed you by. It is never too late to hop on that wagon and cling to it with all your might.The circus is endless, and you are its ringmaster… bring it to life and make your dreams come true while changing others’ lives for the better.If you’re ready to banish self-doubt and embrace the adventure of entrepreneurship, then scroll up and click the “Add to Cart” button.

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