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On Christmas Eve, 2017, the life of Russian-American artist Nikita Nataniel Kuznetsov changes beyond recognition. He’s plagued with a deadly bacterial infection that sends him off to the afterlife.Before he can move on to the other side, he must stand trial that takes place in a concert hall, attended by an invisible audience. As he sits at his piano, he is compelled to watch a 3D movie of his life, allowing him to relive meaningful events: his miserable childhood at a boarding school in the USSR of the 70s, his rise to stardom, his run-ins with the KGB, and a fateful breakup from his beloved Anastasia who was left behind when he defected westward to live an empty life of debauchery, chasing fame and fortune.Guided by Nelo, his odd one-maimed-winged guardian angel, he tries to persuade God to give him one more chance to make amends and return to the living before it’s too late. When his plea is heard, he is determined to arrive at the Krymsky Bridge to look for Anastasia, who awaits him there every year on the same day they had agreed to meet one another, should they lose touch. But will he make it in time, or will fate take its toll with compound interest as it always does on those who make wrong choices?An Angel to Lend is a gripping tale of love that transcends the boundaries of time and space, self-reflection, and the quest for second chances.