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She saved his life. Can he heal her heart?He crossed an ocean to find her...Baron Edward Sinclair, affectionately known as Sin, never imagined himself the marrying kind until he encountered the captivating Elizabeth in the American colonies. When illness brought him to death's door, it was the young widow who tenderly nursed him back to health, but they became separated when he left to continue his assignment. Now, fate reunites them in England, where he discovers that Lizzie, his mysterious angel, is none other than the companion to his beloved aunt.She crossed an ocean to forget him…For Lizzie, being widowed in the colonies triggered a cascade of hardship, fear, and grief. Returning to England, she yearns to reunite with her brother, whom she has not seen in several years. Fortunate to secure a position as a companion, she finds solace in her employer’s warmth and generosity, treating her more like family than hired help. However, an unexpected encounter with the dashing Edward Sinclair, a man etched in her memory and her heart, disrupts her plans for a solitary life. While the handsome and wealthy baron attracts the attention of debutantes and their matchmaking mothers, Lizzie resigns herself to the belief that her fate is to live out her days alone.As Edward and Lizzie navigate the intricacies of their rekindled connection, they must confront the ghosts of their pasts and face the threats that conspire to keep them apart.Read in Kindle Unlimited!The Rakes of MayhemThe Earl of ExcessThe Marquess of MischiefThe Duke of DisorderThe Baron's ReturnTo Win a Viscount’s HeartTempting a Lonely LordNote: This series is part of Dragonblade's Sweet Dreams line, so this is a sweet, wholesome Historical Romance where passion beyond the bedroom door is left to the reader’s imagination.

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