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At the cusp of the Post-American Age... In CALIFORNIA TWILIGHT: Essays and Memories of The End of The Golden State, journalist and author Mark Cromer makes his case that decades of political malfeasance and journalistic corruption of the American media helped upend the California way of life. Part reporter’s notebook, part memoir and eulogy to The Golden State by a second-generation native, CALIFORNIA TWILIGHT is a collection of fast-paced columns and in-depth essays that shine a light on California’s struggles to address illegal immigration, urban overcrowding, and seemingly unrelenting crime. CALIFORNIA TWILIGHT introduces readers to characters like Dr. Gene Rogers, Sacramento County’s former Medical Director of Indigent Health Services, who was fired after he exposed a scheme allegedly set up to provide illegal immigrants healthcare services at the expense of the most impoverished American citizens. Cromer also takes readers inside the chaotic City of Pomona, where police discovered a low-bid janitorial service that hired illegal immigrants to clean city hall, literally providing them keys and unfettered access to city resident records. Cromer argues the system that allowed illegal immigrants this kind of access is a symbol of the jettisoning standards and safeguards that are meant to protect American citizens and workers. CALIFORNIA TWILIGHT offers a compelling warning to the rest of the nation—before it’s too late.