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She's a cyborg with a forgotten past. He's an alien mercenary with a heart of gold.All Jesh wants is to understand who—and what—she is. Waking up in a human medical facility with no memory, a voice in her head and strange abilities, she knows she doesn't belong. She certainly knows that she's never seen her 'family' before. Then her mother tries to kill her…Enter the alien mercenary team, the Reapers, and their medic, Covak. With his towering frame, razor-sharp fangs, and mesmerizing eyes, he's unlike anyone she's ever met.Despite his intimidating appearance, she can’t stay away from him. His gentle touch awakens feelings she’s not used to, thrilling and terrifying her in equal measure.Battle-hardened exterior. Marshmallow interior. All hers.Covak knows Jesh is trouble from the moment he lays eyes on her. But his instincts scream that she's his mate, and Vorrtans mate for life. The moment he sees her, he’s captivated. Her vulnerability awakens his protectiveness, while her strong spirit challenges him in ways he never expected. Their deepening bond threatens to consume him, even as he tries to keep it from her, scared of frightening her off…But when Jesh’s forgotten skills resurface and her true nature is revealed, they realize she’s more dangerous than anyone imagined.With shadowy organizations hunting her, can she trust her growing feelings for the handsome alien mercenary? Or will uncovering her past destroy any chance at a future together?

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