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Mr. Wheels has been a huge smash hit in Eastern Europe for decades. 160 volumes of fan fiction (!), three cinematic releases (including one in 2023), two TV series. But never a peep in English!Until now.Unlike the English Sherlock Holmes or the French inspector Maigret, the Polish Mr. Wheels does not deal with serial killers or cannibals; he tracks gentlemen thieves, forgers, and smugglers of... art. His mysteries come with the sort of original settings, fast action, humor, and attractive characters you expect from mystery best-sellers but also feature something unique: a fascinating historical background.In this case, the background is the horrific destruction of the fabulous and storied Templar Order. In 1310, King Philip the Fair of France found himself short of cash and decided to destroy the Templar order and burn its members at the stake in order to--steal their gold. But he never found it. Sensing the impending disaster, the brothers had hidden it. This hidden treasure has been the object of desire, obsession, and treasure hunts ever since.And now, a newly discovered document suggests it could have been buried in a Teutonic castle in Poland...Try it. It's just 99 cents. We bet you will read the whole series.

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