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Travelling the world with her best friend was supposed to erase Iris Hawthorne's cheating ex from memory. But running out of money and discovering he’s holding her cat hostage wasn’t part of the plan.Desperate to get home, she takes a job grape picking in Provence. But instead of indulging in brie and baguettes, she unexpectedly plunges into the pool of Luc Du Comtois, a grumpy billionaire with a killer pout and a wayward dog.Luc, her accidental swim buddy, needs a fiancée to save his family estate, and Iris needs cash to free her fur baby. It sounds like the perfect solution. The ideal business transaction. Their fake engagement is meant to be a temporary fix, but the more time Iris spends with Luc, the harder it becomes to remember their fairy tale is just pretend.How can she keep her heart out of the equation when she’s falling for the King of Smoulder?Under the burn of the scorching summer sun, can Iris trust this aloof billionaire with her heart, or will his family’s expectations and her own doubts turn their fairy tale ending into a continental catastrophe?

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