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Nix Monroe is in over his head. He thought he was smart enough to handle the Demons of Foxglove Grove and find his cousin's abuser. The plan was always to get in and get out. Lake, West, and Yejun have a different idea in mind, however, and the more time he spends in their clutches, the more of himself Nix seems to lose. It's not long before he finds himself trapped, permanently bound to the next in line for the throne, with a potential threat to them all lurking in the shadows, waiting for a chance to pounce. What started as an act pretending to be their boyfriend has escalated into something else. Something inescapable. If that weren't bad enough, a discovery about the precious cousin Nix has come all this way for leaves him shaken and uncertain. Lake is more determined than ever to catch the hacker and secure the crown. West suddenly seems more interested in discovering all the different ways he can make Nix moan. Yejun doesn't know the secret Nix is keeping from him. With only a couple of weeks left before the Night of the Nightshade, Nix and the Demons are running out of time to identify the threat. When it starts to seem like none of the people around him can be trusted aside from them, things get even more complicated for Nix. Can Nix rely on them like they say? Or is he just another pawn in their game? Trigger Warnings: This is a Dark MM Sci-Fi Enemies to Lovers Why Choose Bully Romance. There are themes of bullying, control, and manipulation, as well as a man character who is shared between three other men. This is also book two of a trilogy. The first book, Villain, must be read before this one to understand the plot.

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