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The heart-breaking true story of an abused, abandoned, tormented little girl and the haunted and broken adult she grew up to be; a child abused so badly she couldn't love, or feel emotions, but she refused to give up.Imagine, for a second, being a tiny baby, then a small child, that no one ever touches, hugs, holds, plays with. No one even looks or smiles at, or says anything nice to. Then imagine being used by a paedophile ring as that same little child, passed around like you don't matter. Tortured, beaten, abused, injured for fun.Imagine the hurt, the pain, the sadness, despair, and the anger. What sort of person would that child grow up into? A psychopath, druggie, and violent person at the very least.That little girl was Kitten.Discover how she rose above it all, with no bitterness or pathology, just love, kindness, and understanding. She has her own completely unique charisma, panache, and je ne sais quoi. She does, says, and wears what she wants with class, elegance, and style. All she wants to do is help everyone and change the world.Now for all to read the wild whirlwind inspirational adventure of her life.

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