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The Secret Hook-Up - Pippa Grant

The Secret Hook-Up

Pippa Grant
Bang Laugh Love LLC , English
120 ratings

You’d think nearly dying trying to get out of a too-tight gown in a dressing room and being saved by a strong, competent man was a good thing.Not so much, though, when that strong, competent man is your ex. Your secret ex.And the reason you need a gown is because you’re part of a charity auction.The charity auction where he gets into a bidding war to win you.And now, because you’re one of few female coaches in professional baseball, and he’s the captain of the local professional hockey team, and he paid a ridiculous sum of money for you…The entire city is shipping you. You can’t leave your apartment without getting a knowing wink from strangers. Your bosses want to use the publicity to have you jointly launch a new community outreach program.That’s bad enough. It truly is.But even worse?Duncan Lavoie, the green-eyed, curly-haired, dimple-cheeked, hot-as-lava hockey player wants a second chance. And he’ll play dirty to get it.The Secret Hook-Up is a laugh-out-loud romcom featuring the hot-as-sin hockey captain of the Copper Valley Thrusters, the Copper Valley Fireballs’ lady baseball coach he never got over, and a misbehaving formal gown. It stands alone and comes complete with a happily-ever-after.

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