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We often meet our destiny on the road we take to avoid it. When Eve Gardner was seventeen, she bought a bus ticket to California. The life her parents planned for her was nothing like the life she wanted. She wanted to be as far away from her parents as a road could take her. In less than a month, she had a new name, “Eva,” a new husband, and even a new country.Álvaro Castillo, the accountant for a dangerous drug cartel, had his own reasons for being on that bus. He was on the run, having just killed the man who threatened to expose him as an undercover DEA.The life Álvaro and Eva create in Taxco, Mexico, is a dream come true for both. When a famous silversmith takes her under his wing, Eva becomes a successful jeweler in her own right. As she works with force and fire to shape silver into her stunning jewelry designs, Eva comes to understand the process is akin to the alchemy of the human soul. The question of destiny looms large in her life: did she run away from her fate when she left Atlanta, or did she run headlong into the life she was meant to live?When their son, Azul, is born Álvaro and Eva believe they have reached the pinnacle of happiness. They were mistaken. The cartel put a three-million-dollar bounty on Álvaro’s head and one day an old enemy comes to collect it. The action Eva takes to keep Azul safe jeopardizes her marriage and her happiness. Álvaro cannot forgive her for sending their son to the family Eva abandoned twenty-six years ago.Eva examines her old beliefs and past actions after she is reunited with her family in Atlanta. When she and her mother are kidnapped by the cartel as revenge for Alvaro’s betrayal, they must reconcile and unite to stay alive. Together they use their wits and a little bit of magic to navigate their capture and eventual release. When devastating family secrets come to light, love can redeem the past if they will let it.

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