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With a focus on organic chemistry students at all levels, problems are incorporated into the body of the text in an effort to engage students more directly in chemistry. Arrowless mechanisms seek to help students develop their electron-pushing skills and intuition through repeated practice. By design this volume is more actively engaging than a traditional textbook. In addition, the historical development of ideas is presented to help frame and center these concepts for the reader. Primary and summative sources are given for all topics covered. The sources provide definitive information for the reader and ensure that all information is supported by peer-reviewed, experimental sources.Features:The development of key ideas is presented in their historical context. All information presented is supported through citations to chemical literatureProblems are incorporated into the body of the text, including arrowless mechanisms which encourage students to engage more actively and to develop their electron-pushing skills and intuition.International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry style and technical guidelines are followed throughout the text. The problems, text, and presentation are based on years of classroom refinement of teaching pedagogy.

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