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“Iovino does a marvelous job setting up his Rare Earth trilogy with this mesmerizing opener. A strong cast and a well-designed setting fuel this entertaining space opera.”–Kirkus Reviews“INHERITANCE is a gripping read, a moving portrayal of labor, and a promising start to the Rare Earth Trilogy.”–IndieReaderRare earth elements have been called ‘the seeds of technology.’ Their unique magnetic, phosphorescent, and catalytic properties make them irreplaceable in our 21st century world.And we ran out of them.Humanity, it seemed, was doomed to technological stagnation until a new industry emerged that provided hope.Astromining is a high-stakes venture that propels crews into uncharted territories of space where asteroids hold the key to our technological salvation.At the forefront of this extraterrestrial gold rush is Watts Astromining, an underdog team led by the enigmatic Thea Watts. With a mismatched crew of determined misfits and her father's antiquated ship, Watts Astromining must navigate not only the harsh vacuum of space but also the treacherous landscape of human ambition.

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