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Something terrible has happened to the planet Ion. What exactly is wrong? Well, it seems to be missing. And in case you didn't know - planets don't usually do that. Slater and his rag-tag team of underdog space pilots must rise to the occasion and rescue the planet and their friends. To accomplish the mission, they'll need to overcome the most powerful ship in the cosmos. The Goliath."Slater and the Goliath" is the book connected to the following Audio Stories on YouTube: "Project Alpha", "The Dusters", and "Thunder and the Light Whips". It is suggested that the reader first watch/listen to the Audio Stories, then dive into the book. Look for the Griff's Library YouTube channel.(While "Slater and the Goliath" can be read as a stand-alone book, listening to the audio stories will uncover hidden storylines and provide satisfying, dare I say, tasty connections. But I am not your mother; do what you like.)

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