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Many people feel lost today, on a number of different levels, for a number of different reasons.If you're one of them. read on...The pre-Internet modern world had been stressful enough, the constant outside pressure to do more and accumulate more was sufficient cause for people to forget – or ignore – who they really were, what they could be if only they could get off of the hamster wheel that society told them was necessary for “success.” Now with social media, streaming movies and television, access to instant information, and a constant flow of news, everyone is being psychologically manipulated every which way until they don’t know which direction is up anymore.Distractions are everywhere, and the more people allow themselves to be distracted, the easier it is for them to be hypnotized by media, and pressured by mainstream norms.All this subtle brainwashing and not-so-subtle pressure is causing an increased rate of depression and anxiety as more and more people lose their sense of self, forget how to live in a state of awareness, are confused about why they exist. More than ever, people are masking who they really are at their core in order to please others, in order to fit in, and every facet of their lives feels like a struggle to survive.They have lost themselves, and thereby lost the ability to thrive.What they need is to find themselves.And this book can help. It's not a how-to. It doesn't tell you ten easy steps to discovering exactly who you are. Rather, it contains a number of essays, all relating to the theme of self-discovery. It is meant to inspire, to provide a springboard for you to continue on your journey, perhaps making more intentional decisions along the way.Read it, and watch your life unfold in new and beautiful ways.

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