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From the unpredictably twisted mind of Johnny Moscato comes a riveting collection of short stories.Dive into fast-paced tales of winners and losers, perilous ends, and frightening new beginnings; stories of evolution, triumph, and failure; murderous unicorns, scandalous aliens, venomous butterflies, and haunting warnings from the past, present, and future, all masterfully woven together in this captivating collection of suspense, horror, sci-fi, and dark humor.Connor’s Story: Parents suspect their five-year-old son has a secret identity.Where the Red Catnip Grows: Fluffy gets her first taste of freedom.This Little Piggy: A million years in the future, human descendants battle the mightiest creature on Earth - the giant sea pig.Apocalyptish: With less than a ten-minute warning, a couple watches from their backyard as an unexpected black hole approaches our solar system.The Hollering Man: An astrophysicist is summoned by a man in a hospital gown shouting her name around her neighborhood.Men in the Moon: Cliff Gordon discovers the secrets of the universe in an afterlife no one ever predicted.The Life and Death of Gemma Gleason: The last day in the commercial-filled life of Gemma Gleason in the year 2055.Being John Smith 1, 2, & 3: A full-grown clone appears on a sidewalk, only to find he’s not the only one.Also:Sophie in the MirrorWhy the Long Horn?The Big OnesPoor GammyEmployee of the MonthAnd more