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He's bossy in the boardroom and the bedroom. Good thing she likes a challenge.ElliottI’ve been a single dad for my daughter’s entire life. Since she’s heading out on her own in a few days that gives some indication of how long I’ve been alone. I wasn’t looking either. Not until Bailey, with her arsenal of sweet curves, shows up to nanny for the single dads’ co-op. Now I can’t take my eyes off of her and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let her get away. Even if I have to issue a few direct orders that make her beautiful eyes flame with ire. At least she’s noticing me – and I’ll have her begging for more long before September…BaileyI was going to take the summer off – figure out what comes next in my life after a decade of being a nanny. But I got suckered into accepting a job with ten (ten!) motherless children way out in the countryside of Haven County. I wasn’t counting on the very single, very gorgeous, and even bossier billionaire – the one that insists I belong with him now and forever. Can I really trust that he means what he says and that he’ll still mean it long after the summer has past? I think he might be crazy… but there’s just something about him that has me shivering – in a good way!

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