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Book Four of the Mutant Fellowship begins with a mystery; as the Fellowship tries to keep its word and assist in the clean-up and rejuvenation of the earth, they are attacked by radicals in the government. Ian, Tuuvi’s oldest son, rejoins his family as a berserker. They are surprised to find he is married to a mafia family member. Strange mutations are attacking the country and the tribe just wants to convene its fellowship get together. More children are being born with strong powers and the Farseekers know it means something bad is on its way. From island building to the Simmons new bases, corrupt politicians and mafia complications, survival seems increasingly difficult. If you like hard Sci-fi, genetics gone odd, cringy bad guys and believable action, get some coffee, prepare for a binge read. You are in for a ride.Of other books in the series, our readers have said: "I love the mutants! The book is full of danger, suspense, good vs evil, the story of neverending prejudices, slavery of an evil sort and those who always seem to be beyond the arm of the law due to money and friends, along with making enemies. I couldn't put the book down and before I was halfway through it, bought the next two books. Great book!""Interesting sy-fy futuristic story which includes a close to apocalypse type atmosphere on earth. Surprising twists & possible break outs for many follow up books for each family survivors & of the tribes & clans of mutants. Want more...""I read this book and it is awesome!!I look forward to the continuation the plot is good and the characters were flesh out for us.""A memorable, engaging, and mind-bending read, author J. Traveler Pelton’s “Accidental Anomalies” is a must-read sci-fi and dystopian thriller. A gripping tale of heartbreaking relationships gone wrong and cruelty in the name of progress, the author explores a haunting world that keeps the reader invested and entertained throughout. If you haven’t yet, be sure to grab your copy today!"(Book 2 is) Even better than the first book. Gently helping people who need, without coercion or greed. So wonderful to revisit old friends and make new ones. Wonderful to watch the children thrive away from the Center."If you like action, thrills, sci-fi, wicked bad guys, a touch of romance, get some coffee, prepare for an all-nighter. You are in for a ride. Get your copy today!

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