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Asher Daniox was an anomaly. Feared and worshiped by her kind for a power previously unheard of, the princess of the Fae Realm sought nothing more than to prove she could rule with a just and strong hand. That she was worthy of the title of queen.Yet, as her impending marriage to a young mortal prince draws nearer, she finds herself dreaming of a different life. One ruled by her own wants and needs. But, with a power as dangerous as hers, would she do more harm than good if left unchecked? And if she does not find allies in the mortals, how will the fae survive the savage demons to the west?When a handsome stranger urges Asher to question her world and those within it – to trust the power she feared for so long – the princess is forced to reevaluate her life, and to continuously put it in jeopardy. Will she follow the orders of the king and queen who raised her – who always knew best? Or will she follow her heart, which might lead her to a fate she cannot survive?As lies, betrayals, and danger find her at every corner, Asher must make a choice. For if she does not, the imminent war will.Who is she, and who does she wish to become?

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