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Who meets their soulmate shopping for bagels in a supermarket bakery aisle? Before I moved to the small town of Silver Hills, I would have told you no one.But the second I meet Henley Ward, I’m swept away.He is everything I look for in a man: tall, strong and so handsome.Our instant attraction, spirited banter, and heated glances leave a lasting impression…Until I see him again.Like a raging tornado, he storms into the school ready to take on the teacher who has crushed his daughter’s spirit.The dedication this man has to his three daughters could be the sexiest thing I have ever seen.Before we know it, we are stealing kisses in his kitchen and secretly getting together any chance we can.I know I should stay away from Henley so I don’t lose my job, and his focus is on raising the girls and being the best wide receiver in football, but our attraction is intense and the draw between us is too tempting to resist.I can only hope our secret love will survive when our truth is revealed.Secret Love is book two in the Single Dad Playbook series. Each book can be read as a standalone.

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