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A Devil of Vitality always draws first blood. Berga Obsidian is only good for one thing. As the Butcher of the Brumal mafia, Berga spends his days between the university and his lab, constantly caught up in one experiment or another. Everyone knows his name, and everyone fears him, but very few get close enough to learn who he really is. Even fewer actually want to. He's spent his entire life trying to make up for a mistake made as a child and is haunted by literal ghosts of the past dressed in pink tulle. Locking himself away periodically to protect himself and those around him has become second nature, that is until one mix-up with a Royal changes everything. Madden Odell can do no wrong. He comes from a prestigious and powerful family and is best friends with the Imperial Prince. By day, he trains at the military academy, keeping up appearances, and by night he runs the illegal street races down at the Docks. He's never wanted for anything for longer than a minute before it's his, that is until Berga strolls in and shakes up his world. Technically, they've known each other for years, but they've never been close. One night of rough and twisted debauchery and suddenly Madden is desperate to change that. By any means necessary.But Berga is far from what he seems, with an unexpected past trauma and a strong fear of abandonment. The two of them also come from different sides of the same coin. Berga is part of the Satellite, a group created to protect the head of the mafia, whereas Madden's position with the prince means he stands with the Imperial family. Even if they can somehow work through their differences and learn to rely on one another, will their leaders ever allow their relationship to strengthen? Or will the two of them have to choose? The life they've always known, or each other? Trigger Warning: This is a stand-alone dark romance which means there are many themes that some might find disturbing. Some of these include, but are not limited to, dub-con, violence, a mad scientist who doesn't cater to those squeamish, and explicit sexual content not suitable for all readers. Please be sure to read the Author's Note for a complete list of warnings! HEA guaranteed! Though this book takes place on the same planet as the previous in the series, each of these is a stand-alone.

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