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Veilpiercer - Bruce Berls


Bruce Berls
unknown , English
1 rating

A new SF satire by the author of Uncommon Scents, shortlisted for the Eric Hoffer Award Grand Prize.Thirty years from now, billionaires have become masters of deception, using augmented reality to mask their extravagant mansions, private jets, and exclusive retreats from the prying eyes of the general population. Cabalynne stumbles upon the shocking truth when she discovers that a powerful tech CEO has callously paved over her mother’s grave to construct a zeppelin hangar.Cabalynne embarks on a daring mission to expose the secrets of the wealthy elite and dismantle the technology that is being used to perpetuate inequality. Her team includes an AI with a sense of humor, a narcissistic hacker who might or might not have a real girlfriend, and a social media army of conspiracy believers. Together they set out to expose the technology used by the wealthy to hide their lavish lifestyles.All they have to do is penetrate the underground complex guarding the most secure computer on Earth.But first they have to find it.FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSQ: The description makes the novel sound dark and serious. Is that misleading because it is actually filled with snarky humor and silliness?A: Yes.Q: Is there is a fight to the death between two AIs?A: Yes.

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