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It's British versus American in this sexy battle of wits!British private investigator, Thomas Kincaid, thinks he’s seen it all . . . until a gorgeous, soaking-wet American shows up on his doorstep and demands he help her find a stolen family heirloom. Having had his heart crushed once before by a beautiful woman, Kincaid has no intention of tempting fate a second time. But Joanna Thorncroft isn’t about to take no for an answer.Joanna has to find her mother’s ring and discover the secrets it contains. Secrets that have brought her all the way across the Atlantic and onto the doorstep of a sinfully handsome detective. While falling in love is the furthest thing from her mind, fiercely independent Joanna can’t help but find herself drawn to Kincaid…and the blazing passion that soon threatens to consume them. But when the scandalous truth about the ring’s history is unveiled, it changes both the past and the present.If Joanna and Kincaid want a future together, they must risk everything to get it…including their hearts!The Perks of Being an HeiressBewitched by the BluestockingEntranced by the EarlSeduced by the ScotWooed by the WallflowerDesired by the Duke (10/2024)Please note this is a 2nd edition. This book was originally published in January 2021.

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