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"Letters From A Warrior, P.S. Mom, I Love You" is a captivating true story full of adventure and self-discovery. It is portrayed with a relentless wit that offers an intimate glimpse into the world of the US Marine Corps Boot Camp in 1960. This is all done through the eyes of a young man who trades his small-town roots in Minot, North Dakota for the thrilling and challenging life of a Marine.Through a series of unapologetically honest and unintentionally humorous letters to his mother, the author shares his unvarnished experiences as a naive 18-year-old navigating the tribulations of boot camp. With the specter of his seemingly menacing drill instructors looming large, this young man's quest for a life beyond his hometown quickly becomes a rollercoaster of exhilaration, fear, and personal growth.Witness the author's transformation from a small-town boy to a dedicated warrior as he overcomes adversity and learns invaluable lessons about courage, resilience, and the true meaning of strength. From his first day at the MCRD to his thrilling new beginning in Hawaii, this unforgettable memoir stands as a testament to the power of determination and the indomitable spirit of youth.Mature audience only. Due to graphic language, sensitive subject matter and sexually explicit content, we recommend this book read by those 18 and older.Be warned that none of the drill instructors or staff sergeants went through sensitivity training prior to this author joining the Marines.

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