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The Suicide Detective - WL Bach

The Suicide Detective

WL Bach
Endure All Publishing LLC , English
17 ratings

On a mission to capture a ruthless Al Qaeda terrorist, Sergeant Amber Downing is captured and Razor, her military working dog is injured and left for dead. Special Forces and SEAL teams make heroic attempts to rescue her, but the enemy is deadly and cunning. Despite his injury, Razor never gives up on his beloved master.After her military service, Amber, a disabled Veteran, works for the VA Medical Center in Grand Junction. With the help of her service dog, Nikita, an ultra-loyal German Shepherd, Amber tries to leave the scars of her captivity and the loss of her fiancé, a fellow soldier, behind. When Amber meets someone who is overcoming his own devastating loss, Amber realizes she just might be able to love again and move on. Amber is given a task to track recent Veteran suicides, but she begins to see anomalies in the data that she can’t ignore. When events from her captivity in Iraq and the loss of her fiancé collide with her VA project discoveries, Amber and Nikita must confront evil men who will stop at nothing to prevent her from unraveling a dark conspiracy.This spellbinding tale of loyalty, betrayal, love and redemption will leave the reader turning pages late into the night.

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