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Do you feel like the American Dream is always out of reach, no matter what you do and how much you hustle?Like you’re stuck on a hamster wheel, going nowhere fast?What happens when the American Dream loses its luster?Join Liv on her captivating journey as she redefines the American Dream, seeking true happiness and a deeper sense of meaning. Have you ever wondered what lies beyond the facade of achievement? Liv’s story is about determination, self-exploration, and finding joy in life’s simplest moments.Feeling lost amidst the hustle and superficiality of American society, Liv embarks on a soul-searching quest that takes her across continents. Imagine walking the cobblestone streets of European cities or living off-the-grid in rustic Spain. Liv does just that, discovering true richness in moments of joy and gratitude rather than material possessions.Could a bold move to a foreign country be the answer to finding purpose? Liv reclaims her sense of purpose with her family and plans to establish a new life in Nicaragua. However, unexpected challenges arise, pushing her limits. Through hardship and uncertainty, Liv learns that simplicity is not just a lifestyle choice but a profound transformation leading to authentic happiness.In this true story based on real life, Liv shares the power of letting go, embracing authenticity, and finding meaning in unexpected places. As she navigates these transformative experiences, one question lingers: will Liv’s journey lead her to the inner peace she seeks, or will new challenges emerge to test her?This captivating tale will resonate with anyone searching for a deeper connection with themselves and the world around them, redefining what achieving the American Dream truly means.

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