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A disgraced businessman's chance encounter with an enigmatic stranger leads to a journey of political awakening and redemption. Set in a murky world of anarchist computer hackers, sinister secret societies, the Deepnet, quantum computing and ultimately a struggle for world domination, nothing is as it seems and no one is who they claim to be.Krill charts the journey of disgraced businessman, John Tucker from the verge of bankruptcy to the pinnacle of power. Enlisted by a shadowy political organisation, The New Praetorians, Tucker undergoes a political awakening as he watches his paymasters stage a democratic coup and put The People's Democratic Republic of Britannia on a war footing. A non-political Neutral, he finds himself in a murky world of political populism, computer hackers, false news and social media manipulation, cellphone spyware, computer server vulnerabilities, quantum computing, artificial intelligence and terrorist atrocities. As he sees the dictatorship he helped bring to power career headlong towards a cyberwar, he is faced with a dilemma - assist the New Praetorians in their lust for world domination or join the anarchist resistance and fight back.