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Once upon a time, a small-town girl thought her dreams were over. She could never have imagined her life would turn around and resemble the rom-com screenplays she planned to write.I’m that small-town girl, and I should consider myself lucky that my ex turned out to be a major douche.Now, I finally know what it means to be head over heels in love with someone. In my case, I’ve fallen hard for three hockey players. But it’s one thing to have fun with three men at the same time, and quite a different story to have a serious relationship with them.Reputations are at stake—mine and theirs. If the media finds out, I can say goodbye to my job, and my family will never speak to me again.But I’m willing to risk it all because a love like ours happens only once in a lifetime.Reputations are at stake—mine and theirs. If the media finds out, I can say goodbye to my job, and my family will never speak to me again.But I’m willing to risk it all because a love like ours only happens once in a lifetime.

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