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A secret has been revealed, and others will follow.After a terrible revelation, Alex Roth must unlearn everything he knows of Thameland and the cycle of the Ravener, all the while hunting for the hidden priests of Uldar’s Rise.As the First Apostle prepares to destroy the Fool, the villain receives an unexpected ally. Meanwhile, Alex himself has received new information about his Mark…information that could utterly change his lifepath.But he cannot keep his identity hidden forever. Not anymore.Who will have the last laugh?Alex Roth? Or the grinning face of the Fool?Book 8 of the Best-Selling series. Continue your fantastical journey into a coming-of-age magic academy fantasy with a weak-to-strong progression into power, deepening mystery, a setting inspired by D&D, detailed world building and magical science, action, comedy, slice-of-life, and GameLit elements.

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