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The girl you love vanishes - you search and search. No trace is found.You see one who looks like her - she looks at you but knows you not.Is she a mirage, a fading dream or a figment of desperate hope?She likes you. You ask her and she comes with you.Her mind sees only sunlight. You see dark shadowed edges.Can you make a life with a person who holds no memory of you?The final book of the Crocodile Spirit Dreaming SeriesThe story of Susan, an English backpacker in outback AustraliaShe travels to the middle of nowhere with a man who loves crocodiles.She finds out terrifying secrets about him – she escapes, but he is dead.Tried for murder, then released on bail after new evidence is uncovered.One day she disappears, with just her shoes left beside a local waterhole.A year passes without any further traces of her being found.One day an unknown girl appears in a remote aboriginal communityShe comes out of nowhere, knows nobody, remembers nothing.Could it be her, the missing one her friends and family seek?Story of creating a new life from the broken shell of the old.Memories of the old threaten to tear the new asunder.In the dark lurks an ancient creature out of the deep.A spirit out of the long past Aboriginal Dreamtime.Existing since a time when these spirits made the land.Beyond darkness is a place where sunlit shadows dance.

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