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Young Sean Callahan and his team of Marshals are brought together to destroy the vampires that have come to New England in the 1890s. In this sequel to The Reaper of Washington County, they are ordered into the dark world of these murderous blood-sucking beasts. All the while organized crime is running rampant back home in his city of New Bedford. Professor Zurich searches day and night for a two-hundred-year-old vampire who has killed his family. He will stop at nothing to destroy him and the others he has created.The so-called Reaper himself has no choice but to become the fact that lies beyond the legend. The role of avenger befalls his cause, and the Marshal must accept the immense challenge now placed upon him. Everything is on the line here as a young man's faith and courage are tested beyond the call of duty. The adventure never stops in this tale of good versus evil at the turn of the 19th century.

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