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Psychic Echoes: Book 2 in the Mary Jameson Supernatural Thriller Series.Mary Jameson is a young woman with a unique gift - the ability to communicate with the dead. But despite her powerful abilities, all Mary wants is a normal life. She has a loving fiancé, a beautiful home and great friends, and she's determined to leave her paranormal past behind.That is, until Detective Jay Santiago calls on her for help. A young boy has gone missing, and Jay is convinced that Mary's powers could be the key to finding him. With children and animals her soft spot, Mary is torn between her desire for a normal life and her deep compassion for those in need.As Mary reluctantly delves back into the supernatural world, she realizes that the stakes are higher than ever before. Danger lurks around every corner, and she must use her powers to investigate the truth behind the missing boy.Will Mary be able to find him before it's too late? And at what cost to her own safety and sanity? Find out, in this gripping supernatural thriller, full of twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page.