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Lights Out Lizzie - James Hanna

Lights Out Lizzie

James Hanna
Sand Hill Review Press , English
35 ratings

AWARD FINALIST - GLOBAL BOOK AWARDSA FIVE-STAR MUST-READ - BOOK VIRAL Gertie McDowell, a naïve young girl of twenty-five, has doubts after joining Christian Ladies of Wrestling—a troupe that has women posing as Christians wallop the evil out of women cast as sinners. It ain't like I don't wanna be famous, Gertie thinks, as she dons a heroine's persona, but folks oughta be more careful over who they let lift their souls. Her ambivalence grows when she goes to Afghanistan to perform for American troops. Her best friend warns her, "Gertie, if you don't get blown up by a bomb, some tribal chieftain will kidnap you and put you in his harem." Hoping to dampen her blonde bombshell image, Gertie dyes her hair raven black, but will this be sufficient to stave off the Taliban? Packed with bruising bouts, clashes of civilizations, and epic danger, Lights Out Lizzie is a wildly entertaining book that will have you laughing out loud.

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