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A Mosaic of Experience, Life, Drive, and DeterminationCyrus Jaffery has been on the move for as long as he can remember, rarely pausing to reflect. As a child, he was forced into exile and had to learn his own way, first in Pakistan and then the United States. After college, he was swept up in the whirlwind of marriage, starting a family, forming a business, and ceaselessly working to grow his personal and professional endeavors.In the process of writing this book, Cyrus realized that what keeps him moving is a hunger to make a difference, to be counted, to be part of something bigger than himself. Perhaps his motivation to achieve, to win, and to help others is overcompensation for his rough start in life.You may find this book helpful for using challenges and tragedies as life lessons in perseverance. Life will test you. What you do with these tests is what counts. The highest achievers are those who raise themselves up as well as their family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and community. That is the kind of winner Cyrus aspires to be.