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Whenever this group chooses a book, magic happens. The mystery comes to life, and they find themselves part of the story. To exit the book and get back home, they need to solve the mystery and reach The End.This time, the club chooses a book set in a mansion atop the mountains of Arizona. They discover a strange antique oil lamp that contains a shocking surprise.Could this enchanted lamp have something to do with their host’s fall from a door to nowhere? Or could he have been pushed out the door by one of the strange people who belong to the quirky group who live here?This brave, crazy, motley group must work together to unravel the mystery in their latest inside-the-book journey."You can’t enough of this series! It will blow you away!"… Cozy Mystery Book Reviews“One of my go-to series. The quality and enjoyment are guaranteed.”… All and Any Books“I adore this series, and it just keeps getting better with each book!”… Fiction Vixen“I guarantee you will LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it !!!!”… Goodreads

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