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After the way she broke me, I’ve made one promise to myself: never again will I put my heart out there.Apparently, she loved me, but that still didn’t stop her from doing what she did. And frankly, I’m done with relationships, and I’m done with searching for love when it has no interest in finding me.After the hit I took last season, I plan to focus on rehabilitation and getting my mind back into the game I’ve loved for so many years. I don’t need distractions, and I don’t need another woman in my bed or my head. I’ve got enough complications to last me a lifetime.But I didn’t expect her sunshine, and I wasn’t prepared for how Luna Johnson has worked her way into my heart and thawed its frosty state.I keep trying to resist her, knowing this will only end badly—she’s one of my oldest friends, and I have to keep it that way. But, man, am I attracted to her, and the more we reconnect, the more I feel the happiness that’s been missing from my life for so long.Luna wants more. I know she does. And dammit, I want to give her everything and not just the broken pieces I have to offer—it’s what she deserves. If only I wasn’t so scared of getting hurt again or, worse still, pulling her down with me. I’ve got baggage and people in my life who want anything but for me to find my happy ending. And I know they aren’t afraid to hurt Luna to get to me.I’d convinced myself the stars would never align, and slowly, I’ve accepted that too.But perhaps my heart is safe this time, and maybe I can take a chance on love again?If it’s going to be with anyone, it has to be with Luna Johnson.

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