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"Sci-fi thrillers don't come much better than this."— Tahsin GunerHiro, an orphaned outcast, hunts AIs for a living.After a brutal attack by a cybergang, Hiro’s life is irrevocably changed. He becomes the very thing he’s spent his life trying to destroy. Now, he is hunted by CerebroNet—the same Artificial Superintelligence that slaughtered his family to protect a secret that could save humanity.Determined to uncover the mysteries of his origins, Hiro clashes with powerful forces pulling the strings from the shadows. But how do you fight an unhinged AI that will stop at nothing to claim you for itself?The Birth of Cogenant is a thought-provoking exploration of the relationship between humanity and machines. It delves into the power of friendship and love, posing the eternal question: What does it truly mean to be human? With its rich world-building, complex characters, and mind-bending concepts, this novel is adored by science fiction fans and anyone craving a vivid, fast-paced, and emotionally charged adventure.