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Ike Jaeger has quarterbacked his team to a world championship, and now it's time to party like it's 1969.Then he gets a call from Coach Grant. In all the euphoria, he forgot that they would have one more game to play--against the champions from that other league. That other league with the big money, the big, fast players, the mysterious formations and the sophisticated playbooks.Bad omens begin stacking up as they arrive in New Orleans for the showdown. Even Mother Nature is seemingly stacked against them. And to make matters worse, the coaching office has ordered game film of the wrong team!If only Ike's problems were solely on the football field.A secret war wages across the space-time continuum, with the fate of humanity hanging in the balance. Uncle Si and the Tajna Savet finally launch their "storm" against the pan-continuum cabal that has been stalking Ike since they erased his biological family, but the distinction between "black hats" and "white hats" is blurred as Ike is caught in the crossfire. Mysteries plaguing him since boyhood will finally be solved, but not before Ike is tested to the very limits of his sanity.In the midst of all this, Ike begins to realize he should probably settle down with the one woman in his life who has remained incorruptible. That decision is made just in time for her to give up on waiting for him and explore her romantic options. She's worth fighting for, but, ironically for a time traveler, he may have finally run out of time.