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Theyyam is a Dravidian ritual art form of Kerala, India - God's own country. Like the Blues in the Mississippi Delta, the Thottam and Theyyam use song and dance to express the melancholy of the Dravida, natives of God's Own Country, submerged under the 5000-year-old Chaturvarnya caste system. A truly divine rebellion against mighty, unjust systems, Theyyam stories, and art pluck a string in our own hearts today. This book offers comprehensive insights into the authentic Theyyam as fashioned five centuries ago by Manakkadan Gurukkal and King Kolathiri. It showcases stunning images, videos, and forty captivating stories, paying homage to the Theyyam artists, the true embodiments of the sentiment behind "Of the People, by the People, for the People." We express gratitude for the awe-inspiring message and blessings from the Indian Prime Minister for the Chirakkal Perumkaliyattam Festival. We are honored by the resounding success of the festival in April 2023, where we had the privilege of hosting a staggering 450,000 participants from around the world. The authors of this book have devoted a substantial amount of time and effort to delve meticulously into the multifaceted realm of Theyyam. In doing so, they unveil its nuances, historical significance, and elaborate ceremonies. This book is the culmination of the dedicated contributions of over a hundred esteemed professionals hailing from different corners of the globe, including Fulbright Fellows and award-winning writers. This state-of-the-art multimedia book is ornamented with photography and video links/QR codes that provide a glimpse of hundreds of hours of captivating, high-quality video and spatial audio recordings from the festival. This book showcases core content media aimed for streaming on platforms like Amazon Prime, Netflix, Apple TV, and National Geographic Channel. Most of the Theyyams involve high-wire acts, with performers dedicating their lives at considerable personal risk for the betterment of devotees. Performers transform into mystical beings and exhibit the ability to walk through fire, carry heavy costumes and impossible headgear, and perform seemingly magical feats. Their well-being is significantly impacted by the service they render. We are actively exploring philanthropic partnerships, including collaborations with Indian medical organizations, particularly in the West. We firmly believe that such partnerships will yield an exponentially beneficial impact in areas where it is most needed. We dedicate this book to the Theyyam artists, the veritable Gods “of the People, by the People, for the People.” The royalties from this book will be donated to those needful Gods of the God’s Own Country.