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#1 BEST SELLEREmbark on an unprecedented journey with Dr. Michael Brandon and director/co-star Jim Goetz in "600 Burgers in 30 Days" – a riveting exploration of the human body's resilience. Witness Dr. Mike's consumption of a staggering 600 burgers in just 30 days, as he and Jim push the boundaries of their physical and mental endurance.This book is based on and gives in depth perspective into The Keto Project Movie, which exposes the shocking impact of an inferior diet on human health, unraveling the truth behind corporate influence in our food choices. As Dr. Mike's well-being deteriorates, we are compelled to confront the harsh realities of profit-driven nutrition.Through this gripping narrative, "600 Burgers in 30 Days" challenges conventional dietary wisdom, prompting you to reevaluate your eating habits and discover the optimal path to wellness. Delve into the depths of nutritional science and uncover the ideal diet tailored to your individual needs. The Keto Project is not just a film – it's a transformative journey towards a healthier, more vibrant life. This book takes you through this journey and offers in depth perspectives on different types of diets, nutrition and lifestyles from some of the top global authorities on this topic.Laugh, cry, learn and enjoy Dr. Mikes journey through his discovery of what diet is best for him to not only perform at his best each day but to live longer and thrive!

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