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12 Coffins - Lewis Pennington

12 Coffins

Lewis Pennington
Silver Lining Publishing , English
2 ratings

Brothers Cody and Drew Edwards and their gang of mischievous friends are looking for excitement in their sleepy little southern town through games of make-believe and even fake seances. It is only when they venture into a supposedly haunted coffin factory that they get more than they had hoped for. When they discover that lying in the coffins grants them paranormal abilities, they begin a mysterious journey involving murder, deceit, and greed along with the power to prevent one of the nation’s most devastating events. Determined to use their power for good, they realize that every action they take is accompanied by harrowing consequences. In this crucible of danger and discovery, family bonds and friendships are tested, and true strength of character is revealed. The stakes couldn’t be higher, but neither could their determination.