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A witty, fun, and irreverent presentation of facts and statistics about the different generations in America.Welcome to the Millennial Age, where conversations on dating apps outnumber conversations with neighbors; where our phones are our soul mates and our human soul mates are taking longer and longer to find; where we owe an average of $40,000 in student loan debts and rent one-bedroom apartments that cost almost that much per year.This book is as much data-driven as it is funny. It makes fun of millennials, social media culture, political apathy, and — most of all — baby boomers. Whether you’re a millennial or not, this book might make you laugh, ponder, or even post something emotional to Instagram.Author’s Note:I started making these info-graphics in 2019. After the pandemic broke out and I was locked up alone in my tiny studio apartment, I had nothing better to do but get really into putting this project together. This book is autobiographical, and about the "millennial" experience, but I don't claim to represent everyone who fits into my generation, and I also believe other generations may relate.Please note you can also find a PDF version of this book on my website: www.allisonsongbird.comIf you like this book, please leave a review!Check out my other books on Amazon or by visiting my website.You can also find me on TikTok…wasting too many hours looking at videos of other people’s golden retrievers.