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A brush of skin against skin changes everything … forever.On a hike deep in the Rocky Mountains, Kai Monahan watches as a dozen dragons—actual dragons—battle beneath a fat white moon. When one crashes nearly dead at her feet and transforms into a man, Kai does the only thing a decent person could: she grabs the nearest sword and saves his life.But there’s more to the dragon shifter Rhys than an irresistible presence and steady starfire blue eyes. As he recovers from the attack, a chance brush of skin against skin binds him inextricably to Kai. With his own dark past, becoming heartsworn to a human—especially such a compelling one—is the last thing Rhys wants. But as an ancient enemy rises to pit dragons against humanity and with his strength nearly depleted, Kai has just become the one thing Rhys needs.Soon, Rhys and Kai will be swept up in a hidden world of magic, political intrigue, and war. War that sprawls across the globe and threatens to swallow everything and everyone they hold most dear.

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