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Relationships aren’t built on secrets, and I’ve got a big one. I’ve got to be the unluckiest person alive. I mean, abducted by aliens? What are the chances? Only these aliens, they’ve got another thing coming if they think I’m just going to lie here and take it. Just wait till I find myself a weapon.When my spaceship crashes--because, of course--just outside the Alien Hotel, I decide to check in. Just for one night, I tell myself. I should be finding a place to hide out, not ending up in the arms of the giant, red alien named Sutek.He acts tough and commands me about, but touches me softly. The way he looks at me ignites a need inside of me I haven’t felt for a long time. And for just a brief moment, I find myself wondering if alien’s aren’t so bad.The question is: can I really trust him?“Oh No, I Crashed A Spaceship And Kissed An Assassin” is a humorous, steamy sci-fi romance set in the “At The Alien Hotel” series that you won’t be able to put down. Expect intergalactic miscommunications, perilous danger, and possessive alien mates.

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