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A human girl’s destiny threatens the throne. A demon prince’s choice defies fate itself. The love between them could destroy them both.In the demon-ruled city of Karazhen, Tanitha, a common human girl, is marked by a prophecy that could destroy the demonic order. Crown Prince Darius, tasked with eliminating her, is determined to end the threat. But when he meets her, he is captivated by Tanitha's innocence and spirit. Defying his mother's ruthless command, he spirits her away to a hidden sanctuary.Within their secret refuge, a fiery forbidden love sparks between Tanitha and her mysterious demon protector. As their hearts entwine, they discover a powerful connection that defies the boundaries of their worlds. As the dangers facing them mount, will their love be enough to change their fate? Or will the secrets they both carry tear them apart?"Her Demon's Desire" is the first installment of a spellbinding duology, weaving a tale of forbidden passion, intrigue, and an unyielding quest for truth. An epic retelling of the romance of Eros and Psyche, this novel will captivate your heart and imagination.

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