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"To those who understand a woman’s silence is her fury, and that a fictional character’s death is as painful as reality, but you’re not only willing to endure both Fury and Death—You came here searching for them. Let us burn together. Lastly, to the pieces of myself left between the pages, may you rest in peace."Welcome to the devastating finale of the Alchemight Duology.Between the rubble of two nations, sisters forced apart by trauma and tragedy awaken with the powers of Fury and Death. They are the queens of an ending, an entire realm on the precipice of collapse.This story has no heroes. You've been warned. Good luck.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For Blood and Flame is a Grimdark, Tragic Romantic Fantasy novel and the 5th book in Jinapher J. Hoffman's multiverse of feminine rage, Wrathos. While it concludes the Alchemight Duology, readers should note that its Epilogues will set up new multiverse plot threads. For more information, updated content warnings, future Wrathos releases, and exclusive bonus content, please visit Wrathos Books.

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